9601 Frankford AvenuePhiladelphia, PA 19114215.637.8787office@allsaintstorresdale.org


The Christmas Stories


A 4 Week Video Exploration of the Christmas Stories by John Dominic Crossan

Tuesday November 29, December 6, 13, & 20
7:00 – 8:30 in person only

Each week, Dr. John Dominic Crossan will guide us through the Biblical Christmas Stories.  This is a video and discussion based program using parts of his book, The First Christmas, What the Gospels really teach about Jesus’s birth. There is no preparation needed each week.


About Dr. John Dominic Crossan

John Dominic Crossan is an Irish-American biblical scholar with two-year post-doctoral diplomas in exegesis from Rome’s Pontifical Biblical Institute and in archeology from Jerusalem’s École Biblique. He has been a mendicant friar and a catholic priest, a Co-Chair of the Jesus Seminar, and a President of the Society of Biblical Literature. His focus, whether scholarly or popular, whether in books, videos, or lectures, is on the historical Jesus as the norm and criterion for the entire Christian Bible. His reconstructed Jesus incarnates nonviolent resistance to the Romanization of his Jewish homeland and the Herodian commercialization of his Galilean lake as present program and future hope of a transformed world and transfigured earth. Crossan’s method is to situate biblical texts within the reconstructed matrix of their own their own genre and purpose, their own time and place, and to hear them accurately for then before accepting or rejecting them for now.